
週末夜,本是要跟J 的朋友出門party的,沒想到參加人數莫名其妙的直線上升,J 掛了手機碎唸著說他這週沒心情跟那麼多不認識的人social。

『 你想去嗎? 也許你想要去跳舞? 』他露出Puppy eyes看著我,水藍色的圓圓雙眼跟長長的睫毛為他的演技加分不少



雖然我是還挺愛跳舞趴踢的,可是每次一看到外面的"藹藹白雪"就一整個"倒縮",再加上上週在Riga在雪中走了四五個小時,這週我只想捲在床上暖烘烘的看電影。不過所有關於懶洋洋的Friday night 的想像最後都被原本預定要看的片子搞砸(非常難看呀)。J 無奈的提前開始K書,我也抄了本書,兩個人靠在一起在床上讀起書來。

上週看了Where the wild things are (台灣好像翻做"野獸國"), 一部滿特別的片,雖是童書改編,但是電影本身傳遞的訊息和方式卻很超齡跟隱誨,整部片都是小孩跟野獸的嬉鬧卻透出強烈的疏離與寂寞感。小孩要瞭解其中的意涵恐怕要非常早熟。撇開電影本身不說,電影配樂本身倒是非常清新,單純的吉他和鋼琴,加上孩子的歡笑與歌唱, 時而歡欣亢奮的大叫,時而自言自語似的吟唱。輕脆的鋼琴聲飄蕩在小小的房間裡,我在昏黃的燈光下聽著音樂,很多很多的思緒湧上心頭,只覺得心越來越沉甸甸的

『 I think I should buy my girl some shoes.. 』J 沒來由的冒出這一句。

『 ah? why? 』我一時以為我聽錯了

『Because I dont want my girl wears the worried shoes all the time 』

我一瞬間眼淚直流... 為什麼你總是能像似通靈似的知道我的感受。


你是我的歸宿嗎? 在這寒冷的北國。

註: Worried shoes 是這原聲帶中的其中一首歌。 有興趣請點這裡


Worried Shoes - Yip / Jump Music (1983)

I took my lucky break and I broke it in two
Put on my worried shoes
My worried shoes
And my shoes took me so many miles and they never wore out
My worried shoes
My worried shoes
oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo
My worried shoes
I made a mistake and I never forgot
I tied knots in the laces of
My worried shoes
And with every step that I'd take I'd remember my mistake
As I marched further and further away
In my worried shoes
oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo
My worried shoes
And my shoes took me down a crooked path
Away from all welcome mats
My worried shoes
And then one day I looked around and I found the sun shining down
And I took off my worried shoes
And the feet broke free
I didn't need to wear
Then I knew the difference between worrying and caring
'Cause I've got a lot of walking to do
And I don't want to wear
My worried shoes



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